Sunday, 20 January 2013

2012 looking back and 2013 looking ahead

2012 has been and gone and now we look forward to 2013 and new challenges ahead.

In 2013 we are going to focus on 3 key areas:
  1. Increase the number of farmers receiving seeds - we have already identified 200 who will receive seeds in March for the next growing season.
  2. Develop the coffee growing initiative into a viable income generating project for the farmers.
  3. Work with schools so they can grow enough food to feed the entire school and also teach the children the skills for growing the best crops and obtaining the highest yields.

So back to 2012... they say a picture paints a thousand words and we hope you get a good idea of what we have been doing in 2012 below!

Seeds - In 2012 we advanced 10,885 kgs of seed to 399 farmers in 13 groups.  

We met 5 of the groups. They are all so isolated that it takes ages to get from one group to another.

Coffee - Throughout the year we have watched as the coffee project has come to life.  The seeds were sown at the beginning of January and by the end of the month the first leaves were showing – as big as my thumb.  In April the farmers were busy preparing the land, you can see more here Coffee farmers preparing the land video  and by the end of May the seedlings had made their way north to Parabong where the farmers eagerly received them: Farmers receiving the coffee video (which has to be my absolute favourite)!  The coffee is now over a foot tall and the farmers are doing everything they can to nurture them through this dry season.

Pineapples - We advanced 40,000 pineapple suckers back in 2011 - the first harvest came this summer and the farmers have made hundreds of pounds from them.  They are quite the best pineapples in the world - and I know because I ate one!

Please do...  click here to visit the  Seeds for Development website  , like us at:  Seeds for Development on Facebook and feel free to follow us on Twitter @aliseeds

Even more importantly, please do get in touch!  Thank you so much.